Most children joining school now are likely to enter the work environment in 2040 or later. The rapidly changing work and life environment has made the conventional models of school education (relying on rote and impersonal methods of teaching) redundant. Rainbow International School was started with the vision of providing a personalized educational experience where we want to mould the young minds of our children to be ready for a flat and global world where taking initiative, development of emotional and interpersonal skills and the ability to reason and question are much more important than mere bookish knowledge.
We strongly believe in grooming well rounded children with equal emphasis on sports, extra-curricular activities and a team work based learning methodology.
Our systems incorporate the best of our age old traditional practices to enable an environment to discover himself/ herself.
We take our responsibility as custodians of your childrens’ future very seriously and implement the Japanese practice of ‘Kaizen’- continuous improvement.
We look forward to interacting with the parents as equal stakeholders in the development of our children.

Director- Rainbow International School